Find more about MicroSplat Anti-Tiling Module Free Dowload details at :Unity Asset Store
MicroSplat – Anti-Tiling Module v3.47 Free Dowload
All Free Assets. Free download game assets. Unity assets free. Unreal Engine assets free. 悬赏 300 元素币 求MicroSplat 3.1 插件的基础框架,注意看好是框架,不是它的扩展 3047-1-5 1 125 悬赏 300 元素币 求个能看narutopixx图片的. Description The Trax module for MicroSplat adds features that let you carve snow trails, tear up grass into mud, or other effects based on physical interactions with the surface.
'If possible, buy the package to support the developer.'
The Anti-Tiling module for MicroSplat adds several new features to the MicroSplat framework.
Stochastic Height Sampling Node for Amplify Shader Editor, MicroSplat - HDRP Support, MicroSplat - Triplanar UVs, MicroSplat - Mesh Workflow (Beta), MicroSplat - Anti-Tiling Module, MicroSplat - Terrain Collection, MicroSplat, MicroSplat - LWRP/URP support, MicroSplat - Terrain Blending, MicroSplat - Tessellation and Parallax, MicroSplat. MicroSplat - HDRP 2020 support (13) $20. Medieval Town Environment (4) $60. Tidal Flask Studios. FANTASTIC - Interior Pack (not.
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Features Added:
– Detail Noise, which adds detail when getting close to textures.
– Distance Noise, which modulates the textures in a distance with noise to break up tiling patterns
– Distance Resampling, which resamples the terrain textures in the distance at a different scale to break up tiling patterns
– Normal Noise, which blends a second normal map into the first, adding variation across the terrain. Up to 3 layers of normal noise can be used to create complex variations.
– Anti-Tile Array, which allows you to combine a noise normal, detail, and distance texture for each texture on your terrain into a packed texture array.
Per Texture strength controls are available for all features, allowing you to control how much of each effect to use on each texture. Effects unused are optimized out of the shader to have no cost.
Requires the MicroSplat framework to be installed.
Personally, it doesn’t work too great for my project because I’m keeping things pretty simplistic and minimalist, so I’ve had to find other ways to avoid tiling.
However! If you’re into realistic or even semi-realistic terrain painting with MicroSplat, this module will help you a ton.
Urp Terrain
Still giving it a 5/5 because Jason is awesome!
Microsplat Tutorials
A great extension to Microsplat. Distance resampling and noise drastically make the terrain look better by removing ugly tiling. Love it.
Microsplat Trax
I was looking for a way to prevent the tiling effect in the way vanilla Unity terrain textures are rendered. This asset provides various configurations that help remove this effect. Thank you!