Metabase Send Email

1) Virtual Server 2: SMTP server cannot read metabase key MailPickupDir 2) Virtual Server 2: SMTP server cannot read metabase key MailQueueDir (screen shots attached) These errors are recorded each time I restart smtp so I assume this is part of the problem. How can I resolve this problem so I can send email from this server again? Hello, I have some legacy applications that use CDONTS and CDO for sending e-mail, and find a constraint that I have to make them work in a Windows 10 Environment. I know that it is right to use it in a Windows Server environment, but Windows XP, Vista and 7 allow enable an SMTP service directly in IIS, and that meant that we could wheel applications with these same resources in developing.

LM/SmtpSvc key missing from Metabase

May 14, 2008 01:30 AM|ventalator|LINK

Hi there!

In short my problem is that my metabase was missing the LM/SmtpSvc key and i was wondering how it normally gets created without manual insertion. Read below for a more detailed progression of my problem:

Metabase Send Email

I've recently upgraded from xp pro to vista ultimate, installed every iis component etc and got my .net 2 apps working more or less correctly on my new setup. However i ran into a small problem with sending email via smtp.

Like many others, i was late to discover that vista did not come with an smtp vitual server like xp pro, but i did notice that IIS7 has an SMTP E-mail section where you can define a pickup directory. This was fine because my company's apps use the iispickup directory.


Metabase Send Email Account


So i created a directory for my pickups 'C:inetpubmailrootpickup' and gave it the correct permissions and pointed IIS7 to this directory. But to my dismay, when i ran my application and tried to send an email an SmtpException was thrown 'Cannot get IIS pickup directory'. Oh noes!
So after a bit of googling and the usual 'make sure your permissions to the directory are correct' etc i finally found a post that referred to the user having correct permissions to access the Metabase key. Being a noob i wasn't quite sure what this was but i learnt quickly and gained access via the Metabase explorer. I gave permissions to everything i could. Didnt work. So i decided to dissasemble the System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient Send method, quickly found the GetIIsPickupDirectory and replicated that in my code.

This wasn't really necessary because after a quick look at the disassembled code i could see that it was trying to read the metabase key 'LM/SmtpSvc' which i had a look for in my metabase but it didn't exist! So i created the necessary keys to point to the pickup directory (based off what i saw on another xp computer) and wala, everything working again.


Metabase Send Email Address

My question is then... what did i do wrong in the first place to be missing this key? All other vista machines in our business have the exact same problem so it's either a bug or we're setting up IIS7 incorrectly. I believe that IIS7 doesn't use the metabase any more and it uses its own configuration files... but because the .NET code only references keys in the IIS6 metabase i became a bit confused...

Metabase Send Emails

Any help much appreciated.